Why Russia’s Pathetic Economy is Booming

From Casual Scholar.

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The Russian Economy is puzzling to look at. On one hand it is the most resource rich nation on earth, on the other it somehow has a smaller GDP than Italy. It makes sense then, why, after the start of the Russian Ukrainian war, and it being subjected to the most comprehensive sanctions imposed on a major power in nearly a century, many speculated its complete collapse. Yet this never happened. In fact, it has exceeded even the most optimistic predictions, shrinking by a measly 2.1% while this year it is expected to return to growth, outpacing the United Kingdom and Germany. But how is this even possible? Has Putin really created an economy impervious to sanctions? The answer to this question is embedded within the very fabric and history of the Russian state we know of today. After all, armed conflicts are frequently determined by economic power, while the intricate interplay between history and politics plays a crucial role in shaping a nation’s economy and how it responds in times of crisis. So what is exactly going on, why has Russia’s Economy not collapsed?

– Contents of this video ——————————–
00:00 – Russia’s Economy
04:23 – The Soviet Union’s Masterplan
09:25 – Rebuilding From The Ashes
11:57 – “The People’s Capitalism”
17:37 – Putin’s Russia
27:10 – Fortress Russia Policy
29:13 – The Russian Ukrainian War
31:55 – Why Russia’s Economy Has Not Collapsed
37:09 – Russia’s Bleak Economic Future

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Talon Hickey, Hayden Haun, Emmanuel Fredenrich, Pulaski, Adrian Willenbücher, Hallucination

– Sources used ———————————————
-The Russian Economy A very short Introduction by Richard Connolly

#RussiasEconomy #Russia #UkraineWar #Economics #CasualScholar #History