Why the Music in the Live Action Disney Remakes is Worse than you Thought

From Sideways.

First off, huge apologies to Adam from YMS, I completely forgot that he was the one who first noticed Simba getting pitch-corrected to the wrong note, here’s the tweet (it’s an absolutely hilarious thread, go check it out)
I was watching him stream himself editing his Lion King video while I was working on my own and I remember thinking it was a good thought and over time I completely forgot that it was him noticing it. This is totally me to blame for not being better at managing my citations.
Again, really sorry to Adam from YMS, please go and check out his Lion Kind video, it’s AMAZING:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sideways440
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sideways440
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sideways440

Sources and other misc. links:

A bunch of interviews surrounding Emma Watson and her audition for Beauty and the Beast:

A really great read about how the autotuning in Beauty and the Beast covered up Watson’s performance:

Disney’s Beauty and the [Autotune]

Another really great insight about how auto tune affected Watson’s performance and what that means in the broader scope of things:

Another interesting take on her voice:

Image link for the Disney Renaissance picture:

The Disney Renaissance: 1989 to 1999


Howard Ashman’s website is an absolutely FANTASTIC resource for anyone interested in looking into more of his life and work (and it’s where I got the picture of him performing a production of Aladdin):

Honestly, Wikipedia had most of the answers I was looking for