everybody is a total mess (and you should be one too)

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. My terrible books ► https://www.amazon.com/Exurb1a/e/B06XFM14M8 (you may need to change your region) More nonsense below: For sending personalised insults ► exurb1achannel@gmail.com T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► https://teespring.com/stores/exurb1a I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 Help me to do this full-time if you’re deranged enough (and thank you kindly) ► https://www.patreon.com/exurb1r Music…

How Long is Now? | Introduction to Metaphysics 🪐

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. New book of depressing poems: https://tinyurl.com/27fdfh63 (you may need to change your region) My other stuff: Books what I wrote, yo ► https://www.amazon.com/Exurb1a/e/B06XFM14M8 For sending personalised insults ► https://www.facebook.com/exurb1a/ T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► https://teespring.com/stores/exurb1a I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 Help me to do this full-time if you’re deranged…

How Will We Know When AI is Conscious?

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. Siri, write this down immediately. "A movie where robots are performing reverse-Turing tests on humans to see if we’re smart enough to be considered sentient." Yeah yeah email it straight to Spielberg, subject line, "Hi I live miserably alone with my cat and I’m going to make you millions of dollars.…

Absurdism | How to Party at the End of Meaning ☄️

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. New book of depressing poems: https://tinyurl.com/27fdfh63 (you may need to change your region) Link for those uninterested in depressing poems: https://youtu.be/-UYgORr5Qhg My other stuff: Books what I wrote yo ► https://www.amazon.com/Exurb1a/e/B06XFM14M8 For sending personalised insults ► https://www.facebook.com/exurb1a/ T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► https://teespring.com/stores/exurb1a I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 Help…

the existence forecast

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. cloudy with a chance of being. (more silliness below) My stuff: Books what I wrote yo ► https://www.amazon.com/Exurb1a/e/B06XFM14M8/ For sending personalised insults ► https://www.facebook.com/exurb1a/ T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► https://teespring.com/stores/exurb1a I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 Help me to do this full-time if you’re deranged enough (and thank you kindly)…

Red Dead No Redemption

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. New Geometry for Ocelots paperback version (you may need to change your region) ► https://tinyurl.com/bdfpbun3 Link for those uninterested in the book ► https://youtu.be/SmTRaSg2fTQ Other books what I wrote and stuff ► https://tinyurl.com/ycnl5bo3 T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► https://teespring.com/stores/exurb1a I also make horrendous music ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 For sending personalised insults ►…

8 Million Species of Aliens

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. I think therefore I bork. *the adverb mention is just straight up wrong. "F-ing unhinged" is still an adjective. Excuse my silliness. (More things to waste your time with below.) The grammatical variations of a certain f-word were of course yoinked from George Carlin’s bit which did it better: (Seems to…

so you want to build a nuke

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. As it happens yellowcake isn’t actually that delicious. Super duper new book, Geometry for Ocelots (you might need to change your region) ► https://tinyurl.com/2e44sbdb Plutonium is obviously a massive part of the story too, but it just didn’t lend itself to jokes. Sorry about that. The rest of my books ►…

Tenet – A Review

From Exurb1a or Exurb2a. Future me talking: "lamenting it as a work of high technicality-" – lamenting? What the hell was I talking about? Lamenting is for sad things; grief, misery, when the tabasco runs out etc. Clearly I didn’t know what the word meant at the time. wohemos levart emit ydorap ot sdrawkcab nettirw…